Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Labex Cominlabs SUNSET

Participants : Bruno Arnaldi, Valérie Gouranton [contact] , Alexandre Audinot, Adrien Reuzeau.

SUNSET is a 4-year Labex Cominlabs project (2016-2020). SUNSET partners are MediCIS-LTSI (coordinator), Hybrid, Hycomes (IRISA/Inria), and CHU Rennes. SUNSET aims at developing an innovative training software suite based on immersive and collaborative virtual reality technology for training and evaluating non-technical skills. This approach will be implemented and evaluated in the context of training neurosurgical scrub nurses. We will notably integrate methods and systems developed in the S3PM project (see bellow). By relying on Human Factors approaches, the project also addresses training and evaluation of interpersonal skills. Whereas the developed technologies and approaches will be generic and adaptable to any surgical specialty, the project will evaluate the developed system within training sessions performed with scrub nurses. We ambition to propose novel approaches for surgical non-technical skill learning and assessment, and to install the developed training factory at the University Hospital of Rennes, and evaluate it with real-scale user studies.

Labex Cominlabs RobotX

Participants : Bruno Arnaldi, Valérie Gouranton [contact] , Alexandre Audinot.

RobotX (ROBOT for Intelligent Collaborative Surgery) is a one year Labex Cominlabs project (2019). The partners are MediCIS team from LTSI (INSERM and University of Rennes 1), Hybrid, Rainbow and Hycomes teams from IRISA and Inria Rennes, LP3C Lab - University Rennes 2, REV, ROMAS and PACCE teams from LS2N - Nantes, CHU Rennes, CHU Nantes, ICO (Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest). The objective of this exploratory action RobotX was to explore this issue and study initial feasibility of some methodological solutions. The long-term is to develop a new generation of intelligent and collaborative safe surgical robots.

Our contribution in the project was to study the development of Virtual Reality based simulated environments for surgical robotic systems for helping designing, evaluation and training of such systems. The objective was also to evaluate simulations of both technical and non technical. We developed a prototype of the Da Vinci robot with an haptic interface and different simulated tasks. We second studied the relevance of the software environments (#5 and #7) developed in previous projects (S3PM and SUNSET). We set up interactions by adding #5 semantics, which allow the robot arm to pick up objects. We also implemented a “Pick and place” exercise. A #7 scenario has been added to manage the user's actions and know when the exercise is over (Fig. 20).

Figure 20. Pick and place exercise using #5 and #7 software

Labex Cominlabs HEMISFER

Participants : Mathis Fleury, Anatole Lécuyer [contact] , Giulia Lioi.

HEMISFER is a 6-year project (2013-2019) funded by Labex CominLabs. It involves 4 Inria/IRISA teams (Hybrid, Visages (lead), Panama, Athena) and 2 medical centers: the Rennes Psychiatric Hospital (CHGR) and the Reeducation Department of Rennes Hospital (CHU Pontchaillou). The goal of HEMISFER is to make full use of neurofeedback paradigm in the context of rehabilitation and psychiatric disorders. The major breakthrough will come from the use of a coupling model associating functional and metabolic information from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to Electro-encephalography (EEG) to “enhance” the neurofeedback protocol. Clinical applications concern motor, neurological and psychiatric disorders (stroke, attention-deficit disorder, treatment-resistant mood disorders, etc).

IRT b<>com

Participants : Ferran Argelaguet, Bruno Arnaldi [contact] , Valérie Gouranton, Anatole Lécuyer, Maud Marchal, Florian Nouviale.

b<>com is a French Institute of Research and Technology (IRT). The main goal of this IRT is to fasten the development and marketing of tools, products and services in the field of digital technologies. Our team has been regularly involved in collaborations with b<>com within various 3-year projects, such as ImData (on Immersive Interaction) and GestChir (on Augmented Healthcare) which both ended in 2016. Follow-up projects called NeedleWare (on Augmented Healthcare) and VUXIA (on Human Factors) have started respectively in 2016 and 2018.

CNPAO Project

Participants : Valérie Gouranton [contact] , Ronan Gaugne.

CNPAO ("Conservatoire Numérique du Patrimoine Archéologique de l'Ouest") is an on-going research project partially funded by the Université Européenne de Bretagne (UEB) and Université de Rennes 1. It involves IRISA/Hybrid and CReAAH. The main objectives are: (i) a sustainable and centralized archiving of 2D/3D data produced by the archaeological community, (ii) a free access to metadata, (iii) a secure access to data for the different actors involved in scientific projects, and (iv) the support and advice for these actors in the 3D data production and exploration through the latest digital technologies, modeling tools and virtual reality systems. This project involves a collaboration with Quentin Petit (SED Inria Rennes).